Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What's In A Name?

Apparently A LOT! A friend of mine suggested that I make a food blog with recipes for the various things I make. I thought it was a good idea. Sort of like an online cookbook. I was trying to come up with names that hadn't been used before for food blogs. Almost everything I came up with was used. Yum-Yums, Delis Dish, This Could Get Messy, Jonesing For... But! I did come up with one that I could use. As far as I could tell, "What Are You Jonesing For?" hasn't been used. So, I'm working on a food blog now. Exciting stuff! :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Must be Crazy

So, it's about 1:20 in the morning. My shoulder is in so much pain, and I've got one hell of a headache starting. But given all that, I've spent a lot of time reflecting.

Perhaps my experiences in Virginia were a lesson. Perhaps I wasn't supposed to be there in the long run and that's why my luck never turned. Perhaps I was supposed to learn forgiveness, which to be honest I still haven't come to terms with Rich (the principal) lying to me. Perhaps the experience was a lesson in patience.

When I had my own classroom, I actually did enjoy it. Yes I was upset with the "system", and yes I had some administrators that I did not like. Yes there were some children that were challenges, and yes there were parents that were even more challenging. But, all in all - I have to remind myself, that I did enjoy it. I liked getting to know the kids. It was hard to become attached and really get to know them because as a substitute I was only there briefly. But, all in all I tended to have a good time. Even on the trying days.

I took it as a sign that I shouldn't teach because of the trouble I had with Virginia. So, I started applying everywhere. I'm attracted to jobs that help people, that help children. I've applied for state positions and federal positions and have heard nothing. A part of me for some reason keeps getting pulled towards teaching. I don't know why. I can't explain it.

So, I took a leap of faith so to speak. And I spent 75 dollars that I do not have (thank you Andy) to send off my application for a temporary teaching certificate. The school year has already started, but if I do get a temp certificate I can at least work on my certification. There are still jobs in elementary schools, and it's not uncommon for there to be positions mid-year. We'll see what happens. But, how funny would it be for me to send off an application for a temp, and get it on the first try? Where as in VA I tried for 3 years. Wouldn't that just be, insane? And if it doesn't work out, and I've wasted 75 dollars - well so be it. Virginia prepared me to deal with being screwed. It prepared me to not get my hopes up. It prepared me to just keep going.

So, as is typical in these type of situations: I am a leaf in the breeze, let's see where I land.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I hardly ever pass along a song; but, it's a song that's inspiring to me and makes me feel better. Music to me is a mood enhancer. If I need to dance, as ashamed as I am to admit it, I'll put on Lady Gaga. If I need a boost and rage, Marilyn Manson comes to mind. If I want to sing at the top of my lungs, Lenka is always a great fall back. Kerli is a band I enjoy, I love the vocals and the lyrics. The music videos are twisted beyond belief, which I kind of enjoy. "The Creationist" is one of those songs that I like to listen to when I feel down, as well as Jem's "Just a Ride". But for now, I'll just leave the video for "The Creationist". It's not a music video, but it's her song. Lyrics at the bottom, just in case. Enjoy.

This is an old and funny poem
I accidentally overheard
It keeps the little children playing
And bigger children spread the word
My memory is bad
So I always tend to forget how it goes but

Life is my creation, is my best friend
Imagination is my defense
And I'll keep walking when skies are gray
Whatever happens was meant that way

You're no better or no worse than the others
We are all the same
And life is just a moment
You might as well enjoy this day
It's time to start believing
Everything you want is on it's way and

Life is my creation, is my best friend

Imagination is my defense
And I'll keep walking when skies are gray
Whatever happens was meant that way

We'll be growing, into knowing
While we're flowing
Keep on going

Life is my creation, is my best friend
Imagination is my defense
And I'll keep walking when skies are gray
Whatever happens was meant that way
I'm a creationist, oh, I'm a creationist

This is an old and funny poem
I accidentally overheard