Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 525 of Mah Captivity

I haz worked on mah camouflaging abilities. I practice by following the long haired humon to the humon litter box. Wen the long haired humon gets in, I crouch on the floor and wait. The keyz to stay low to ground so humon cannot detect you. When long haired humon approaches I wil jumpz and startlz it. The long haired humon wil be at mah mercy.
Mission failed. Long haired humon must haz kitty detection capabilities. Long haired humon laugh, and take picters.

Laterz I switch it up. I came up with a plan to catch humons off guard. Tharz a big box in the room with hole on the side. Iz will climb in and destroyz them. Soz I did.
Mission failed. Long haired humon takes pictures. Short haired humon videos this and uploadz video onto the interwebs. Short haired humon taunts me.

Iz wil keep plotting mah ezcapes. One dayz the humons wil pay for my humiliationz.