Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I'm sick AGAIN!! This is 3 times in less than a month! All the same symptoms. I have to be allergic to something in my house. All this moving and stirring up of dust and shit must be making me sick. That's all I can come up with. Though, today Andy is sick too. So perhaps he gave me something that's just kinda hanging out in my throat/lungs. Whatever I've had it started in my nose, then dropped to my throat, now it's dropped to my lungs. What the hell is next? I feel fine other than the agitation of whatever is camped out in my throat/lungs. I can't afford to be sick with this crap, I have A LOT to do in the next 3 weeks. This is similar to whatever the hell I got in 2007 that stayed with me for 6 weeks. All the same symptoms.

So far I've got us a place to live, and I've got us out of this place (so I hope-placing a lot of faith in Leah to settle all our stuff so that we don't get screwed). I still have to transfer everything over to the new address, once I get it. I'm overwhelmed and excited.

The job market sucks, as it does everywhere. I've applied to one job so far, it took me about 3 hours of frustration to do so. I'm hoping that I at least get acknowledged. The Tallahassee Democrat is horrible to find jobs, it's all sketchy advertising. The government job website for Florida will be under construction until the 21st-so that's a no go. The book I had that has sites for job listings I thought I had kept out, but either accidentally donated it, or packed it. So, fuck. I'll keep looking tomorrow in between coughing fits.

I took alka setlzer tablets today. I took them a couple years ago and they really helped. You're supposed to mix two tablets with half a cup of water. I didn't bother measuring-so I eyed it. As I was waiting for it to dissolve I had to mentally psych myself up- "it's sprite, just sprite, drink it you wuss, it's sprite!" Three rapid swallows followed by thoughts of "keep it down Jen, don't puke, keep it down!" Then looking at the glass to see that I hadn't even drank half of what I poured. Two more swallows followed by gag reflexes. Still looking at what's left in the glass thinking to myself "fuck that's a lot" - so I poured the rest into a measuring cup. I had exactly half a cup in my cup- really should have measured it before hand. I was already so close to puking, and I couldn't stand the taste of it on my tongue. So, I grabbed a straw, stuck it way back in my throat and "Manned up". Horrible experience, absolutely horrible. In my head all I could hear was "Fuckkkkk, that's awful!! Ohhhh shit!! Keep it down Jen, we do NOT want to do that again! Oh this shit better be worth it!! Who the hell thought this was good???"

Not so sure I want to do that to myself again. It's been 4 hours though, and the stuff does work.

Off to make some dinner. Tuscan chicken with penne pasta tonight. :)


  1. Good thing you manned up! Hope you feel better!

  2. What's up with this expression "manning up"? All the men I know are wusses! They couldn't even get through one month's period!!

  3. LOL touche'. It's just been something Sar and I have said- usually while in the context of drinking though. :D
