Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm Home! :)

So, we are officially relocated. Our trip down seemed to take forever. I am so happy we stopped and stayed with our friends in GA. It was so nice to relax and not have to drive. Cali did very well on the drive. She only complained when she was placed in the crate, but not in the car. Griz slept the whole drive down.

A couple days after we moved here my mom and sister came up to help. It was very nice to see them and we had a lot of fun. We did a lot of shopping! :D

This past week Andy's mom and sister came to visit. His little sister is looking into colleges, so we gave her a tour of the campus. The campus has changed a lot! New buildings, it's very pretty.
 Kris and I in front of the stadium. 
Soaking our feet in the fountain on Landis Green. 

I've started applying for jobs. Most of the positions I've applied to are located in the Capitol building working with the DOE. I hope I get at least acknowledged. I'd like to get my hopes up, but the last three years have just been so horrible job wise. Trying to remain realistic without seeming pessimistic is hard. 

I was up at 6:30 this morning. His family left and the bathroom is located through our bedroom. Hard to sleep when people are going in out of the bathroom and turning lights off an on. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I know me-I'd of woken up feeling like crap later today. So, instead I've been relaxing in my chair my mom bought me. I brought out my down comforter and a pillow. It's like I'm in a very nice plushy cocoon. I had planned on cleaning today-we'll see if that happens. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Super glad to have you closer! Enjoy your plushy cocoon!! :)
