Thursday, May 20, 2010

Good Intentions

So, I called my friend Carolyn last night. I was supposed to sub for her today. I canceled my assignment today because I just have felt like crap. I couldn't move around yesterday without feeling like I was going to collapse. Add to that, that my heart felt like it was beating a bit irregular. So, I thought it best to cancel.

I woke up this morning refreshed. I feel much better today than I did yesterday or the day before. I am still stuffed up, but at least I don't feel like I'm going to fall over. I got dressed, and headed out to the store. I really wanted some soup. I don't have Buddy today, so I was going to walk to the market. I made it out to the gate before I gave up. I got winded and light headed and felt like falling over. I took advantage of the situation though and took some pictures while I was out.

So, after I slowly walked around the parking lot I made my way upstairs. Took a look around the kitchen to see what I could make with what I had. I always have chicken bouillon, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than buying cans of chicken broth. I also had a bag of frozen veges in the freezer. So I boiled the water, added the bouillon and veges and have it sitting next to me now...honestly by the looks of it-it doesn't look all that great. It doesn't taste bad, but I doubt I'll ever do this again. As a back up plan I have cheesy breadsticks baking in the oven. Mmmmm cheese.

Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have my energy back. In the meantime, I'm going to go back to doing nothing but getting better. I've had tea, which I need to buy more of-soup, which I just need to buy, and breadsticks.....oh breadsticks....OOOOO the beep! They're done!!!! Hahahahahahaha.

Off to nom noms...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm Find...

Well, I am definitely sick. All of the pressure is built up in my left sinus. I feel so run down. Yesterday I got home from work, was in bed by 6 and just slept. I got up briefly to make soup for dinner at just after 9 and then watched the season finale of Castle.

Today, I pulled out the couch and made a bed. I rented Happily Never After, still cute after all this time.

Being the Wizard of Oz freak that I am, I also rented Return to Oz. I have never seen the movie and had I not read the Wizard of Oz books, I would have thought that writers of the movie were completely on crack. Most of the characters the movie introduced were correct, there were wheelers, Jack pumpkinhead, and Tik Toc as well as several others. The beginning of the movie is NOTHING like the book. The beginning of the movie really disturbed me. It starts 6 months after the tornado hit the farm. Dorothy hasn't been able to sleep through the night since the big storm. Aunt Em is worried and takes Dorothy away and sends her to a psychiatric ward where the "new" treatment is electroshock therapy. They place Dorothy into a light blue room. The paint is chipping off the walls, there's one light that is very dim. One bed, a small desk, and little dresser in the corner, the whole room is just eery. Add to this that there's a horrible lightening storm outside and you have the makings of a horror movie. The nurses arrive at Dorothy's door with one of those old stretchers and ask Dorothy if she would like to go for a ride. She agrees, not seeming phased by any of this. She's totally calm, which to me is just fucking unrealistic. Anyways, a male nurse picks Dorothy up and places her on the stretcher. They then proceed to strap Dorothy down to the stretcher with locking belts. Again, Dorothy-completely calm. I would've been crying at this point. They wheel her into the room and place what look like metal headphones on her ears that will administer the shock, but alas, the storm knocks out the power in the nick of time. The rest of the movie is so much more fucked up than that.

After that movie, I watched In Her Shoes. Which, no matter how many times I watch that movie, it always makes me cry.

Basically, I had a very lazy day. I barely left the couch, watched TV, and read articles online. I want to get better fast. I work Thursday and Friday this week, and need my energy.  Especially for Friday.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Verdict Is In

So, I decided to create my first cookie recipe inspired by an idea I got earlier this week. I took them to work with me today, I had about 50 cookies. They were gone within 3 hours. I was approached by many people who left me comments like "These are smack your mama good...though I would never do that." I was also told I should enter these cookies into a cookie contest, as well as an abundance of wonderful comments. Not one bad review...these cookies could be my legacy. :) I feel like Monica from FRIENDS who wanted to make the very best chocolate chip cookies.

Aside from that, I had a pretty typical day. I had a day where I had a headache linger around my right temple for the majority of the day. Andy had to remind me that I was approaching my pill intake limit for the 24 hours. Only supposed to consume no more than 6 in a 24 hour period, I had 5 pills 10 hours into the day. But, damn that 5th pill and shower worked like a charm. :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"C" is for Cookie

So, this past week I tried to make Mexican Wedding cookies. Now, over Christmas I made them because 1) they are one of my mom's favorite cookies and 2) they looked like they're covered in snow from all the confectioner sugar. The Christmas cookie turned out well on the first day, but over time they just lost their flavor and took on a completely different that was not good. So, I found a new recipe to use in a Food Network cookbook. They're not called Mexican Wedding cookies, but they may as well be. It's essentially the same cookie. These cookies came out GREAT!! Unlike the recipe I tried at Christmas, these cookies keep their taste. The only down side to this recipe is that the cookies do tend to get pretty hard by about the 3rd day. Otherwise, it's a great cookie recipe.

Then, around this past Tuesday I got an idea for a new cookie. It's the first time I've ever created a recipe. I mean I usually tweak, but I think everyone does that from to time. But this time, I actually created a recipe. The dough was very good and the cookies look promising. I will let you know how the rest turns out.

Everything else is going well. Currently I am covered in flour, it's not baking if it isn't messy. :) I have one more day until my weekend, and a part of me is really dreading the class I'll be in. I've never been in this class before, but I feel spoiled from these last two days. I've had a pretty decent class. In the meantime, I'm just a leaf in the breeze.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Glad yesterday is over

Had a horrible, horrible day yesterday. 3 years I have subbed and not once have I ever canceled an assignment. There's a first time for everything. I wrote the teacher, who bless her heart completely understood. Never been in a class with so much disrespect. It was as if all day I was speaking to a wall. I would've had that class on Monday. Tuesday I have another class from hell. The teacher asked if I could help her out, I kindly told her that her class makes me want to cry-but told her I'd do it. I'm going to need these three days just to mentally prepare for the shit fest that will be Tuesday. I really hate my job. I really want to move. 

The day was salvaged though. I came home and had a margarita. Then, went out to the store to get dinner-I didn't drive. Word of the wise, don't make toads-in-a-hole aka eggs-in-a-basket by baking them. 1-The eggs look fake, when you bake them they look plastic and they're tough. 2-never, NEVER put the slices of bread and eggs on foil-no matter how well you butter or grease the sheet you will not be able to get them off. So, I successfully wasted 6 toads-in-a-hole. Made the rest by the tried and true method of frying. A little bit of butter, little bit of bacon grease and yum-my. We watched 2 movies last night. We saw The Onion Movie-which is just as weird as I had anticipated it to be. We also watched 300-pretty good movie with some decent effects. 

Only thing on my agenda for today is going to Target. I'm going to check out the PJ department. I have tons of pants, and one set of shorts. So, a shopping I will go. :)