Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm Find...

Well, I am definitely sick. All of the pressure is built up in my left sinus. I feel so run down. Yesterday I got home from work, was in bed by 6 and just slept. I got up briefly to make soup for dinner at just after 9 and then watched the season finale of Castle.

Today, I pulled out the couch and made a bed. I rented Happily Never After, still cute after all this time.

Being the Wizard of Oz freak that I am, I also rented Return to Oz. I have never seen the movie and had I not read the Wizard of Oz books, I would have thought that writers of the movie were completely on crack. Most of the characters the movie introduced were correct, there were wheelers, Jack pumpkinhead, and Tik Toc as well as several others. The beginning of the movie is NOTHING like the book. The beginning of the movie really disturbed me. It starts 6 months after the tornado hit the farm. Dorothy hasn't been able to sleep through the night since the big storm. Aunt Em is worried and takes Dorothy away and sends her to a psychiatric ward where the "new" treatment is electroshock therapy. They place Dorothy into a light blue room. The paint is chipping off the walls, there's one light that is very dim. One bed, a small desk, and little dresser in the corner, the whole room is just eery. Add to this that there's a horrible lightening storm outside and you have the makings of a horror movie. The nurses arrive at Dorothy's door with one of those old stretchers and ask Dorothy if she would like to go for a ride. She agrees, not seeming phased by any of this. She's totally calm, which to me is just fucking unrealistic. Anyways, a male nurse picks Dorothy up and places her on the stretcher. They then proceed to strap Dorothy down to the stretcher with locking belts. Again, Dorothy-completely calm. I would've been crying at this point. They wheel her into the room and place what look like metal headphones on her ears that will administer the shock, but alas, the storm knocks out the power in the nick of time. The rest of the movie is so much more fucked up than that.

After that movie, I watched In Her Shoes. Which, no matter how many times I watch that movie, it always makes me cry.

Basically, I had a very lazy day. I barely left the couch, watched TV, and read articles online. I want to get better fast. I work Thursday and Friday this week, and need my energy.  Especially for Friday.

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