Saturday, May 8, 2010

Glad yesterday is over

Had a horrible, horrible day yesterday. 3 years I have subbed and not once have I ever canceled an assignment. There's a first time for everything. I wrote the teacher, who bless her heart completely understood. Never been in a class with so much disrespect. It was as if all day I was speaking to a wall. I would've had that class on Monday. Tuesday I have another class from hell. The teacher asked if I could help her out, I kindly told her that her class makes me want to cry-but told her I'd do it. I'm going to need these three days just to mentally prepare for the shit fest that will be Tuesday. I really hate my job. I really want to move. 

The day was salvaged though. I came home and had a margarita. Then, went out to the store to get dinner-I didn't drive. Word of the wise, don't make toads-in-a-hole aka eggs-in-a-basket by baking them. 1-The eggs look fake, when you bake them they look plastic and they're tough. 2-never, NEVER put the slices of bread and eggs on foil-no matter how well you butter or grease the sheet you will not be able to get them off. So, I successfully wasted 6 toads-in-a-hole. Made the rest by the tried and true method of frying. A little bit of butter, little bit of bacon grease and yum-my. We watched 2 movies last night. We saw The Onion Movie-which is just as weird as I had anticipated it to be. We also watched 300-pretty good movie with some decent effects. 

Only thing on my agenda for today is going to Target. I'm going to check out the PJ department. I have tons of pants, and one set of shorts. So, a shopping I will go. :) 

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